Help Mother Earth and Help Ourselves

Help Mother Earth and Help Ourselves

By Joseph Roy Adolfo

Plastics are in every corner, wherever we put our eyes on, we can see them in streets, in roads, and in other places.  Scientific study showed that plastics can be decomposed around 10,000 years.  Aside from being a sore in our eyes, it also affects mother earth and human health.  


Why it affects mother earth, if we noticed, each passing year, the heat we feel got more intense compared from the past, the reason why we feel the intense heat is that some people are burning plastics and it emits a certain gas that causes our ozone layer to damage, disabling them to protect us form the heat of the sun.  It showed as well on a scientific study that plastic's small particles can enter human body which can result to cancer.

With these new acquired information, it is essential for us to act on it by switching from using plastic and start to use ECO FRIENDLY BAGS

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